Pilonidal Sinus Disease:

It is a condition effecting the skin in the crease of the buttock (gluteal cleft). The presentation can be variable from simple tiny midline holes (pits) to a discharging sinus or abscess formation. They usually collect hair and debris and result in an inflammatory or infective process beneath the skin.

The condition most commonly affects young male and female between age group of 15-30 years and tends to resolve with increasing age.  There is no single precise factor identified so far for this condition but can be associated with risk factors like obesity, sedentary life, thick or rough body hairs, wearing tight clothing and family history of pilonidal sinus disease.

What are the symptoms: of pilonidal sinus disease?

Pilonidal sinus disease can be completely asymptomatic with some midline small holes (pits) or it can present as acute abscess or discharging sinus associated with painful lump, redness of skin, purulent or blood stained discharge and rarely fevers. It can be recurrent problem or sometimes results in chronic smelly wound that doesn’t heal well. The chronic sinus or wound condition can be debilitating young person affecting their day-to-day activity, schools, study or sports and can affect their mental wellbeing.

How do we treat pilonidal sinus disease ?

Pilonidal abscess will require drainage of abscess with incision to control infection. This may result in small open wound that usually will heal in few days or week time.  There is about 30-50 % chance of recurrence of abscess in future.

Asymptomatic Pilonidal sinus disease with midline pits usually doesn’t need surgery.

Symptomatic pilonidal sinus disease or patient with recurrent abscess formation will benefit from selective surgery.  Surgery can involve endoscopic treatment (EPSiT) to a simple excision of sinus tacts with primary closure to a more complex surgery involving flap repair.

Dr Kumar have special interest and expertise in Endoscopic Pilonidal Sinus treatment (EPSiT). It is minimally invasive surgical treatment and involve minimal to no pain and early recovery from surgery.Most surgery can be done as a day procedure and people can return with work or physical activities quicker than excision procedures.