Symptomatic pilonidal sinus disease or patient with recurrent abscess formation will benefit from selective surgery.  Surgery can involve endoscopic treatment (EPSiT) to a simple excision of sinus tacts with primary closure to a more complex surgery involving flap repair.

Endoscopic Pilonidal Sinus treatment (EPSiT) is minimally invasive surgical treatment for Pilonidal Disease. It involves inserting a small camera into the opening of the infected sinuses, to inspect the cavity, remove the hairs, clean - ablate (destroy with diathermy) all the tracts and cavities that lie beneath the skin. A small negative suction dressing (like PICO dressing)  is usually applied and stays for few day.

Advantages of EPSiT:

  • It is least invasive procedure with minimal or no pain
  • Doesn’t require painful dressing
  • Excellent aesthetic results.
  • Most surgery can be done as a day procedure and people can return to work or physical activities quicker than excision procedures.